
4.9.20 Then & Now Vert.jpg

Then & Now - Processing Process

I don’t like to mix my creative practice with politics though I appreciate all who do so - we need them so desperately! But in early 2016 as I headed to the print studio at MassArt I felt that perhaps, just this one time, my creative process could help me process the fear and anxiety I, my friends, coworkers and family were experiencing post election.

An old friend posted about his fears not only for himself but also his fellow teachers and their students, all predominantly people of color with richly diverse backgrounds. So I asked his permission and created this silkscreen using a photo he posted of he and his teacher compatriots gathered for a snap shot. I also considered how many of them were women; an attribute I was feeling personally freaked out about as well.

Fast forward 4 years: I decided to re-shoot my print work for my website and was struck when I came across this piece after so long. Not Safe is certainly still apropos 4 years later - in the same ways and more ways and THEN SOME. As I watch what is happening in Chelsea, MA as the immigrant and colored community (you know, our essential workers!) is hit harder than anyone in the Boston area by this disease, I decided to update my old print digitally for now with face masks for all - hope to get this back into the studio for a 2020 reboot someday.



