“Fear not, dear cat, for we too are not able to lick our bellies.”
6.26.15 | Pride Proud
It has been over 20 years since my mother and father called me and my brother into the living room to share the news that my father was gay. I am sure my father was expecting at least a few days/weeks/months of painful, long silences, probably anger, possibly shame, and maybe even the loss of a relationship with his kids. But my mother was holding his hand, my father was crying, and perhaps for a minute they forgot that they raised us to be accepting of other people’s differences or, at minimum, to do our damned best. So we did - and were honestly a little shocked that there was fear involved in the conversation. That said, I think I would have been shocked that day if someone had told me that THIS day would come. As Bill Clinton movingly shares on a regular basis, the differences between us all - race, color, sexuality, physique, etc., - make up only 1 tenth of 1 percent of our genetic makeup. We are all cut from the same damn cloth folks. Today is a good day.