Give it a Rest Part II
Once evening last month I was beating myself up for maybe choosing the wrong thing to do. For supporting a different cause. For doing the most joyful thing. And then I opened my phone for the first time in a few days and saw these posts - one right after the other. I found my breath (who knew I was holding it?) and promptly decided to take a break from this space for awhile. I worked on new pieces. I let go of my intent to share something daily and eventually stopped anticipating outcomes. xoxo to these two wonderful women for reminding me that it is important to choose laughter. That I might be wise to take it easy. That we can only ever start where we are.
“Pausing. Taking it in. Reflecting. Thinking. Remembering. Feeling. That’s good enough for today. Getting a haircut would make it even better lol. Humor strengthens our psychological and physical immune systems. It does not mean we forget.” - Lyn Slater
“Sometimes it’s hard to know where to start.
Wherever you are is okay
Awareness of where you are is a beautiful thing.
Know where you stand
Look in the direction of where you want to go
And when you are ready
Start where you are.” - Annie Riker