Able to Work in a Fast Paced Environment
Mar 28-Apr 3 | Visual Voodoo Between Friends
Ima Fray sent me this photo via FB along with a few other shots taken during her travels in Chile. Even though we have spent more time living far away from each other than near over the past 23 years (yikes!!), we continue to just know when an object, or a sighting, or a bit of home decor will be exactly the thing that the other of us will also completely get. In fact, more often than not we find that the other already HAS said thing or visually captured a quite similar thing. I think there is something way cool to be said for studying fine art with friends - the friendship bit has a lot to do with who we are when we meet and how we have been raised, but something about practicing art with a friend during your college years and going through critiques together creates a unique kind of voodoo visual bond. I have to think about it more, but I dig this thought…its a working theory…