Sucking Air & Filling Space
5.26.15 | Death from Above
As I was having a lovely, quiet lunch on our new back porch today, I had no idea that the Blue Angels were doing a photo op in Boston. First, they flew alongside our house just a wee ways away which startled the hell out of me as the noise was INSANE and I had no idea what was happening. Dear God, I thought, have have we declared war somewhere?! Then, as I acclimated myself, I was excited to get a photo on their next pass…which then scared the CRAP out of me as they flew DIRECTLY over our roof. I went from “Oh I cant wait to get this picture!“ to "OMG I don’t want to die!” to “wtf, seriously?!” …it was like black death machines were ripping holes in the sky it was so loud and dark overhead. And yes, I feel to my knees.