Seasonal Mood Disorder Affects Birds Too

4.13.15  |  Seasonal Mood Disorder Affects Birds TooI’m thinking maybe the birds were so depressed by this past winter that they couldn’t even get up the nerve to finish this nest before some buds began to open…looks like they aren&rsqu…4.13.15  |  Seasonal Mood Disorder Affects Birds TooI’m thinking maybe the birds were so depressed by this past winter that they couldn’t even get up the nerve to finish this nest before some buds began to open…looks like they aren&rsqu…

4.13.15  |  Seasonal Mood Disorder Affects Birds Too

I’m thinking maybe the birds were so depressed by this past winter that they couldn’t even get up the nerve to finish this nest before some buds began to open…looks like they aren’t even thinking about coming back. I am so simpatico.


High Anxiety


Garden Raising